The Zochtil Available as an Audiobook

30 09 2012

The Zochtil read by five time award-winning narrator Nick Sullivan

The Zochtil is available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes as an audiobook.

Update on the Zochtil

22 08 2012

First after much struggle and frustration the Zochtil has finally made it onto iTunes, so you can now purchase it and read it through iBooks.

Second and much more important (Insert Drum Roll Here) The audiobook of the Zochtil has been submitted to Amazon, Audible, and iTunes. It will be available in 1-3 weeks.

One final comment, if  you would like a chance to win a free signed copy of the Zochtil follow this link to goodreads where the giveaway is being held.



25 04 2012

Howdy Everyone!

I just wanted to give y’all an update for April.

Starwarden (Book 2)

I’m about half way through the first round of editing.

I’ve contacted my cover artist, and he’s working on the cover. I’ll post pictures as soon as I get some.

Now the really good news!

I’m working on getting a contract set up for an audiobook for the Zochtil! Once it comes out it will be available from, and hopefully iTunes. I won’t give any more information than that until the contract is set in stone, but you’ll be happy with the narrator I’ve got lined up. He’s the best. I plan to have the audiobook finished up by the end of August, so not long after book 2 comes out.

J.A. Dalley